Cosmo here! Today I saw The Boss watching this video about “room temperature.”
It got me wondering: What is the ideal room temperature? The Boss is always cold, even when everyone else is comfortable, so is his ideal room temperature different from mine and everyone else’s? What’s going on here??
When you think of room temperature, a number like 68°F or 72°F may come to mind. Your ideal number depends on a variety of factors, and everyone has their own idea of what a “room temperature room” feels like.
Although it isn’t mentioned in the above clip from the sitcom Community, air temperature is just one of several factors that affect your comfort, and a temperature that feels just right to you today may not feel ideal tomorrow. In addition to air temperature, your comfort level is also determined by things like:
- – Surface temperatures
- – Whether you just ate or drank
- – Your metabolism, hormones, and other body chemistry
- – What you are wearing
- – Your level of activity
- – Air movement
- – And relative humidity!
What is Relative Humidity?
Relative humidity is a measurement of the amount of water in a sample of air. Specifically, it measures how much moisture is in the air, compares this actual amount to the maximum amount that air at that temperature can possibly hold, and expresses this number as a percentage. When air holds as much moisture as it possibly can, the air is considered “saturated” and the relative humidity is 100%.
Warm air can hold more moisture than colder air before becoming saturated, so as temperature rises, relative humidity falls. To make a room feel “room temperature,” the air temperature and relative humidity have to be balanced. For example, a room that is 78°F with a relative humidity of 40% will feel just right to many people. However, if you were to increase the relative humidity to 60%, these same people may find the “heat” oppressive. What they may not realize is that it’s actually the humidity, not the air temperature, that’s causing their discomfort. This is why humidifiers and dehumidifiers are essential for many homes. It’s also why many smart thermostats now measure relative humidity.
Now that we know what room temperature depends on, it’s also important to understand that the ideal room temperature for your home will change based on the season, the time of day, and other factors:
Room Temperature During the Winter
According to the US Department of Energy, 68°F is the ideal temperature at which to set a thermostat for comfort and savings. You may want to go lower or higher than this, however, based on your individual needs and preferences.
Room Temperature During the Summer
In the same article, the Department of Energy recommends 78°F as the best thermostat setting for summer. While this may be higher than what you’re accustomed to, the idea is to “Set your thermostat at as high a temperature as comfortably possible and ensure humidity control if needed.”
Room Temperature for Sleep
Your body temperature decreases as you fall asleep, and lowering your thermostat at night can help initiate this process. The National Sleep Foundation recommends a nighttime thermostat setting of anywhere from 60-67°F. Whatever your ideal temperature is during the day, you should aim for somewhere around five to ten degrees cooler at night.
Room Temperature for Pets
So far we’ve only been speaking in human terms, but we can’t forget about Cosmo and our other furry friends! The ideal room temperature for dogs and cats depends on a variety of factors, including their age, weight, health, and the thickness of their coat. Generally, the ideal temperature for you will also be suitable for your pet: 75-78°F during the summer. If you go on vacation and leave your pet at home, don’t let your house get as hot as you would if the house were empty. Try to keep it under 80°F.
In the winter, you can keep the temperature within the 69-72°F range. If your dog has a thick coat, try to stay toward the lower end of this range; the opposite applies for shorthairs, hairless cats, and younger animals. When you leave your animals at home during the winter, don’t let the house get any colder than 60°F, and preferably warmer than that if the animals are small or young.
Room Temperature for Infants
Some medical studies have found a possible relationship between overheating and the likelihood of a tragedy resulting from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). At the same time, you don’t want your infant to be too cold. To strike the perfect balance, Baby Gooroo recommends a temperature between 68–72°F. Basically, if you’re comfortable in the room lightly clothed, your little one will be too.
How to Set Your Thermostat
There is no ideal room temperature that everyone will universally agree with, and even your own “room temperature” will change throughout the day and throughout the year. Personal comfort levels, individual needs, and how much you want to minimize your energy consumption will all factor into your decision.
No matter what temperature you want your room to be, you’ll need a heating and cooling system, complete with a thermostat installation for your Princeton, NJ area home, to make it happen. That’s where SG Heating & Air Conditioning LLC can help.
Whether you choose central air or a mini-split AC system for your West Windsor, NJ area home, choose us to install it. Contact us today at 609-448-1273 or fill out this form!
Now I know what the Boss means when he talks about “Room temperature.” Grrr…I think the temperature right now is just right for a nap!

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